Popular Hostels
Millions of people from all over the world aspire to live in America’s biggest city. Some only dream about it, others act and achieve their goals.

New York City is the largest city in the United States. Its population is about 8.5 million people. It is also the most visited by tourists city in the United States. In 2016, New York City was visited by 61 million tourists. It should be borne in mind that the most popular city is enjoyed by the inhabitants of the United States. The number of foreign tourists was about 12 million people in 2016.
Most foreign tourists come to New York from Britain, Canada, Brazil and China.

When preparing for a trip to New York City, you should be careful in choosing a place to stay. Accommodation in hotels in New York is quite expensive compared with other cities in the world. Very important is the location of the hotel. It is important for a tourist that the hotel is located in a convenient location (near attractions and near the subway station) and in a safe place.
Most often tourists are recommended to choose hotels in Manhattan (preferably in the central part). There are comfortable places for tourists to stay in other parts of the city.
Check the reviews of travelers at any online booking service before choosing a place to stay. (Often tourists prefer to rent an apartment instead of a standard hotel room.)

Hostel accommodation: useful tips
Hostels are ideal for overnight stays for travelers on a tight budget and are a favorite place for students to stay during the vacations….